When I first started smoking, I never dreamed of growing; that was for the pros.
The idea of a Hobby Grow was absurd; who would risk their livelihood and freedom for a “hobby?” If you were taking the very real risk of growing cannabis, you weren’t growing one plant for “fun.”
Today, more people are growing their own than ever before, legally.
4 Reasons Hobby Growing is More Accessible Than Ever Before
- Same for Less: Quality equipment has become increasingly affordable, and easier to access in hydro stores and online marketplaces.
- Legal Protection: 21 States legally allow adults to grow their own cannabis for non-commercial purposes, many without requiring any form of license or registration.
- Education: Once taboo, cannabis is now openly discussed and information is readily-accessible, both in print and digital. As the learning process evolves, it will keep getting easier for beginners start, and for experienced growers to keep learning.
- Community: With legal access also comes less fear of others knowing you grow. Seeing a neighbor or coworker or a stranger on the internet growing normalizes Hobby Growing and makes it feel approachable.
- Plus, the more people you know growing, the wider your support network. The wider the network, the more resources and accountability you have access to.
This is especially true if you’re all learning to grow at a similar pace.
There’s never been a better time to start a hobby grow.
What’s holding you back?