Don’t Overcomplicate It: 6 Steps To Building Reach on LinkedIn

Ben Owens
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Most people overcomplicate their content strategy.

Especially when it comes to LinkedIn.

But, for the last 12 months, I’ve done the opposite.

I’ve been posting (almost) daily.

Keeping things simple, digestible, approachable.

Picking a balance of topics that I have experience in, am learning about, or simply fascinated by.

And you know what?

My reach 11x’d (34k -> 400k)

My engagement 18x’d.

My followers tripled.

And I’m not doing anything fancy.

All you have to do is:

1. Post daily — Out of 900M users, <1% post. Just start.

2.Include media — Posts with pictures & video often perform best

3.Easy reading format — Short sentences. Single lines. Clear breaks.

4.Pick a clear takeaway — Exactly what point(s) are you making?

Once you get started, you can level up by:



Ben Owens

Stop buying, start growing. | 🌱 Hobby Grower | Premium Ghostwriter for Cannabis Founders | DM for inquiries