The Hidden Costs of 2x2 Beginner Grow Tent Setups

(And why the GrowHort changed to 2x4’s for 2024)

Ben Owens


My first grow cost me $381.

I got 2 ounces.

I knew going into it that a 2x2 tent was small.

That was the point.

I was in a 2 bedroom apartment.

I didn’t have room for a big tent (or so I thought).

I just wanted to see what growing was like.

Learn a bit about the plant.

Have some fire headstash that I’d grown myself and knew exactly what went into it.

And I didn’t have $1,000s lying around in extra money to buy a big setup.

That decision would end up costing me $1,100 MORE, but we will get to that.

The 2x2 was a great starter tent. It’s a perfect little setup for seeing what growing is all about.

And you can get setup for $500 or less, especially with hand-me-down’s and all-in-one packages on the market now.

And that’s why the first 2 GrowHort sessions started in 2x2’s (and why I still give students the option of the smaller size if it fits their situation better).

But there’s 2 problems:

›› Problem #1: Cost to Yield Ratio



Ben Owens

Stop buying, start growing. | 🌱 Hobby Grower | Premium Ghostwriter for Cannabis Founders | DM for inquiries